Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I StumbledUpon this video of Jim Carrey extolling Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now spirituality.  And he was very sincere about it, it was clearly very meaningful to him and everything, he's kinda tearing up a bit talking about bringing laughter into people's lives.  Then at the end, text comes up encouraging you to go to this Eckhart Tolle TV website, and it gives you a promo code for a free download if you join the site.  So I go there, 'cause this stuff has fascinated me for awhile.  And there's Eckhart Tolle in a video on the front page, and I click on join, and start entering my desired username and password, etc. when I see 89.95!  Whathefuh?!  A spiritual website with pretty heavy duty membership costs, huh?  Jim Carrey's sincerity is starting to look a little bit like Tom Cruise's insanity.  Fuck this.