Saturday, July 10, 2010

S. Darko

One of the people who used to live at my apartment has apparently not cancelled his Netflix account.  After leaving Choke on the coffee table for a month, I finally figured out whose it was and returned it, only to get the next was on his list, S. Darko.

I have this to say: One of the worst movies I've ever seen, at least of those connected in any way to a decent movie.  It does not jibe with the Donnie Darko mythology, but they ridiculously use props and imagery from the original in meaningless ways to try to convince you that it does (i.e. the rabbit mask and the weird tube thing coming out of people).  I can only assume that no one who worked on the original film had anything to do with this one, with the possible exception of some socially retarded dweeb they allowed to bring them coffee sometimes (quite possibly the horrible actor who plays Jeremy).  If this goddamn piece of shit weren't so horrible, I'd complain about the fact that about a third of it is just montage to random songs.  And if I were one of the about 5.9 billion people who say the original is their favorite movie, this one would piss me off.  Fortunately for everybody, almost no one even seems to know it exists.

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