Thursday, July 2, 2009

How do some women escape this?

Today my girlfriend learned the apparently foreign concept of the weigh-in ritual.

Me: "Oh goddamit! I weigh more after peeing than before! (141.6, 141.0, respectively) That almost never happens! Well, I'll weigh again... Gotta step on and off again, wait for the cycle to resent itself, or else it'll just get stuck in a rut giving you the same weight over and over again... Just gotta hope the second one was a fluke instead of the first... Okay, now I just weigh the same amount I did the first time... (141.0). Just one more time... ugh, the same. Okay I give up for now, it is just a mid day weigh in... You see why I have to get up an extra 10 minutes earlier for work every day?"

1 comment:

  1. Well, I never weighed myself until I moved in with you. Now, I can be having a great day, feeling skinny, and see 138 and think WTF that's on my high end!

    Or, I'll be feeling really fat, weigh myself, be 133, and think, no way.

    Or I'll be trying to lose weight, and go from 138 to 133, and see absolutely no effing difference and therefore start eating out at Friday's every day. What I'm saying is, living with you has been fun, but it's given me an eating disorder. The end.
